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Use Cases

1. Develop your own RL Task

  1. Robot Environment

  2. The thing you need to do in this file:

    • Open Gazebo
    • Determine how to control
    • Determine which sensor to use
    • Set virtual method for Task Environment
    • Note: All staff you need to change in the code is commented by TODO in code.
  3. Details

    • Init robot envrionment from gazebo environment.

      python class JetbotRobotEnv(robot_gazebo_env.RobotGazeboEnv):

    • Choose your own controller

      python self.controllers_list = ['jetbot_joint_state_controller', 'jetbot_velocity_controller' ]


      use this to get controller:

      $ rosservice call /jetbot_0/controller_manager/list_controllers * Change the namespace python self.robot_name_space = "jetbot_0"


      use this to get the namespace

      $ rostopic list | grep controller

  4. Change Actions

2. Start training

roslaunch jetbot_rl start_training.launch

3. Plot Training Result

Run rqt_multipolt

rosrun rqt_multiplot rqt_multiplot

Choose configure -> choose topic [openai/reward] -> choose start plot